Online Resource Announcement

Dear Friends of Junior Achievement,

Today is uncertain, but tomorrow represents hope and promise. COVID-19 has quickly and profoundly changed our daily lives. Schools have closed and many will be switching to online-only learning for the duration of the spring semester in support of social distancing. As unsettling as the past few weeks have been to us as adults, consider the impact this is having on millions of young people who will be finishing school at home.

To support our young people, Junior Achievement is offering online resources for free to teachers and parents at We are doing this so that our children can spend more timing planning for and dreaming about tomorrow, and less time worrying about today.

Many have asked how they can help Junior Achievement. We realize we live in challenging times and there are many urgent priorities. But below are a few simple things you can do to support this effort.


Please share the link with any teachers or parents you may know. Also, please share the link via social media with your friends and connections, as well. The more the word gets out about these resources, the better JA will be able to support those who can use them the most.


Please sign up for our new weekly lesson plans. With options for Elementary, Middle and High School, these email lists will provide teachers and parents with resources around money management, careers, and more. Email Gina Huntington, VP of Programs at for information and to subscribe.


Consider giving your time as a virtual JA volunteer by sharing your story. Again at, there is a way to share your experience with JA students via smartphone videos that will be distributed to JA students through our blended learning and online channels. Additionally, a financial gift to your local JA office is critically important now, as JA is committed to continuing to serve the youth in their communities in new and creative ways. Preparing today’s youth is a critical mission and JA is acting nimbly in order to continue serving the ever-changing needs of students.


If you have been a supporter of Junior Achievement as a volunteer, educator, donor, special event participant or parent, we will reach out to you in the coming weeks and months as we continue to help kids during this time of change and as we look toward the fall semester. Please keep connected with JA, because the life-changing impact JA has on more than 45,000 young people a year across Oregon and SW Washington cannot happen without the help of supporters like you.

Finally, thank you for everything you do for JA. We greatly appreciate your ongoing commitment to JA and the young people we serve.


Ryan Deckert


Junior Achievement of Oregon & SW Washington


Announcing Lunch with Leaders


COVID-19 Update - March 12