JA Finance Park Teacher Resources

Thank you for choosing to participate in JA Finance Park! We are looking forward to working with you and your students. This learning experience combines in-class learning with a visit either in person or virtually to JA Finance Park. From goal-setting to saving, budgeting, shopping, and bill paying, students will step into the future and catch a glimpse of what’s possible if they take control of their financial future.

JA Teacher Learning Platform

To access the digital curriculum

To login:

  1. Go to https://learn.ja.org

  2. Use your school email address

  3. If you are new or your forgot your password, you will need to set a new password, click “Create/Reset Password”

  4. You will then receive an email to create a password, then select "JA Learning Platform/D2L".

    Educator Quick Start Guide


Volunteer Information


Visit Information


We want your feedback!

Following your participation in JA Finance Park, please complete this survey to share more about your experience.

Thank you!