
Middle School Lessons

Our middle schools series - designed to be led by an adult mentor, parent/guardian or educator - builds confidence and knowledge around money, jobs and entrepreneurship. These turnkey lessons include interactive games, videos and activities meant to engage students in grades 6-8 in skills for life and career.

10-Week Online Lessons

6th Grade - 8th Grade


Week One


This lesson is intended to reinforce the idea of saving money for wants and needs and to help with tracking a student's money.



Week Two


This lesson is designed to introduce students to the advantages and disadvantages of using debit cards and credit cards and will help students understand the similarities and the differences between the two cards. It will also help students use the appropriate payment method when making a purchase.



Week Three


This lesson is designed to introduce students to the idea of saving as early as they can. They will learn about the rule of 72, compound interest and how it pays to save.



Week Four


This lesson is designed to introduce students to the idea of saving for retirement now. It is never too early to start!



Week Five


This lesson introduces what a budget is and the purpose of a budget, and students will create their own personal budget.



Week Six


This lesson introduces STEM careers and STEM skills and how they are important. Students will identify two to three STEM fields that they wish to explore and chart a path to get themselves from where they are now to a potential STEM career.



Week Seven


This lesson introduces curiosity and why it could make a difference in teens’ success in school and their ability to achieve in college and the workplace.



Week Eight


This lesson introduces students to the term “grit,” meaning passion and perseverance for long term goals. They will take an assessment and learn why having grit is important in life.



Week Nine


This lesson introduces students to the concept of becoming part of the global workforce, working in another country and what they need to know about working internationally.



Week Ten


In this lesson, students will learn that they have their own personal brand and that the brand they build today will reflect on them in the future. They will consider their personal characteristics to define their own brands and then develop logos to represent themselves.
